The Research Circle of Department of Psychology, in collaboration with IQAC-LSR organised the 2nd Virtual National Paper Presentation Competition. 8 student teams presented their research work to esteemed judges. The two best papers were chosen and awarded certificates.

The North-East Cell in collaboration with IQAC- LSR hosted a webinar entitled “Making Headway after Graduation: A talk session on Masters- India and Abroad” on 30th October 2021. The following speakers were invited – Nivedita Hatibaruah, Danny Hmar, and Jasmine Maringmei.

The Research Circle of the Department of Psychology in collaboration with IQAC-LSR organised a session on Resilience and Research with Centenarians. The Speakers were Dr. Nimmi Hutnik (UK based Cognitive Behaviour Therapist) and Dr Pam Smith (Professor of Nursing in the School of Health in Social Science at the University of Edinburgh).

The Research Circle, Department of Psychology in collaboration with IQAC-LSR organised a session on Migrant Communities with Dr Renu Narchal (Professor, Western Sydney University).

The Department of Sanskrit in collaboration with IQAC-LSR organised a talk on ‘Indian Value System’. The Speaker was Prof. Santosh S. Shukla, Dean, School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies, JNU.

The Department of Sanskrit in collaboration with IQAC-LSR organised a Panel Discussion on the Indian Knowledge Tradition. The Speakers were Dr. Ramnath Jha, Dr. Ashutosh Mathur and Dr. Omnath Bimli.