Mann’zar: A Body Positivity App developed under LSR’s Innovation Cell

A mental health phone app titled ‘Mann’zar: Body Positivity, has been developed under LSR’s Innovation Cell. Although body image issues are pervasive in society and are linked to other mental health conditions such as anxiety and eating disorders, very few avenues are available for their management. This was the reason underlying the development of the mobile app focusing on body positivity. In order to make the app accessible to all, there are no costs involved in downloading or using it. The app is specially geared towards Indian youth of all genders. It can also be used with ease in both Hindi and English.

Mannzar’s features include:

~Affirmations: Positive statements encouraging self-love and self-acceptance
~Guided imagery: Meditation tracks and visuals to change one’s perspective of themselves and their body and calm their minds
~Just Try It: Goals and challenges to support the development of self-confidence
~Gratitude list: To help users cultivate an optimistic mindset
~Role models: Quotes, personal stories, and videos to help users develop a sense of self-belief and self-worth
~Hope board: A customizable, user-designed area to provide hope during difficulties and boost resilience
~Contact a professional: A database of accessible hospitals and NGOs that can provide professional help for mental health issues