Since the introduction of the CBCS curriculum at the University of Delhi, LSR has commenced each academic year with the organization of Demonstration Classes for the General Elective papers offered by different departments to first year students. The classes are held in the college auditorium to allow all first year students to be in attendance. During these classes faulty members of each department explain the nature of the General Elective papers they offer and the benefits of studying the papers. Demonstrations by faculty members are followed by question and answer sessions wherein students can clarify their doubts. This year the classes were over organised over a three-day period on the 24th, 25th and 26th of July in collaboration with IQAC-LSR.
Once the demonstration process by different departments is complete, each first year student is asked to denote their General Elective preferences. Students provide 4 preferences, clarifying which subject is their primary preference. Thereafter the college attempts to provide students with the primary preference in as many cases as possible.
This entire exercise is conducted in the spirit of encouraging interdisciplinarity and allowing students to make informed choices about the General Elective they wish to pursue. Interdisciplinarity has become a critical feature of academia and research in contemporary times. It therefore important that students realise the value of working collaboratively with different disciplines from the time they begin their journeys of higher education.