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Submitted to NAAC
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NAAC Steering Committee:
Principal- Dr. Suman Sharma
Dr. Priti Dhawan- convener
Dr. Krishna Menon- convener
Dr. Divya Misra-convener
Dr. Madhu Grover
Ms. Rukshana Shroff
Dr. Kanika K. Ahuja
Dr. Ujjayini Ray (from March 2015)
Dr. Ismail (till May 2015)
Peer Team Coordinator: Dr. Kanika K. Ahuja
Milestones: NAAC Journey
Preparation of College Self Study Report
The rigorous and introspective process of preparing the college self-study report started in the winter of 2013. The entire college community has been impacted by it in one way or the other. The process of preparing this self-study report was truly deliberative and transparent. It was flagged off with the distribution of the faculty data sheet cum feedback forms. Each faculty member described in detail her/his professional trajectory and offered very important suggestions for the working of the college. These data sheets have been a vital source of information about faculty members and their academic activities. The steering committee had a series of meetings with all the committees that oversee the various aspects of the working of the college. Faculty members who represented the various committees were requested to prepare brief accounts of their working. In addition, faculty advisors to various student societies were requested to associate themselves with the process of preparing this self-study report, by recording the nature of their respective societies. All the wings of the college, be it administration or accounts, residence hall or the library have been a part of this report and its preparation. Each and every department, through the teacher-in-charge, had an opportunity to introspect, record its activities and achievements and envision its future. This did necessitate many rounds of meetings at the level of each department. Departments were encouraged to read each other’s accounts critically. Faculty members were associated with collecting data, analyzing data, preparing statistical tables and charts, devising and administering questionnaires, sharing photographs, information, writing, printing, editing and endless rounds of revision. A specially conceptualized survey and feedback was administered to students using Jot forms over the internet. Over one thousand students responded to the online questionnaire and their perceptions of Lady Shri Ram College are reflected in the self-study report. A group of students also assisted in the preparation of the self study report as well.
Interaction with stakeholders
The steering committee organized an interaction on 19th May 2015 with all the stakeholders of the college- alums, parents of students, employers, neighbors and even the police to gain insights into their evaluation of LSR. More than a 100 people attended this consultation. Discussions centred on the shared value system at college, best practices, support systems in college, skills imparted, curriculum and pedagogy, placements, infrastructure, to our environmental consciousness and institutional social responsibility. While the feedback was very encouraging, it also alerted us to the need for constant hard work and striving.
- College SSR dispatched to NAAC : 9 October 2015
- NAAC Peer Team Visit due on 11-13 April 2016

The NAAC Peer Team comprised of Chairperson, Prof. K. Sudha Rao, (Former) Vice-Chancellor, KSOU, Mysore, Chief Executive Officer, SDM Educational Society, Member Coordinator, Prof. Daniel Nesy, (Former Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy & Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Kerala, and Member, Dr. Sister Marie Jessie A.C., Principal, Patna Women’s College. They visited Lady Shri Ram College between 11-13 April 2016. The team had meetings with the Principal and Steering Committee. They held interactions with all departments, teaching staff, non teaching staff, students, Governing Body, alumnae, parents and visited all facilities. They checked documentary evidence, prepared their report and held an exit meeting with faculty members. This entire process has enabled the LSR community to assess our capabilities as an institution.
Lady Shri Ram College for Women is delighted that the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has accredited us with an A Grade and a CGPA of 3.61 on a four point scale, vide its letter no.F.19.26/EC(SC-15)/DO/2016/44.1 dated 25th May, 2016.
The college community would like to thank all its well wishers and friends. We would like to express our gratitude to the generations of women and men who have worked hard to steer this institution so admirably towards becoming one of India’s best colleges. This Accreditation reaffirms our resolve to further strengthen LSR and take it to greater heights.