Quiz society is often misconstrued as a society of the haughty ‘know it alls’ but it most certainly is not. We are a bunch of fun and (if we may speak for ourselves!) curious people, who are ‘in-quiz-itive’, and love not only to answer but also ask questions. We discuss simply everything under the sun in formal sessions held at regular intervals. As for the serious stuff – there is a Quizzing Bowl comprising quizzes on all topics under the sun. There are online quizzes renewed every fortnight on the facebook group. These quizzes contain multifarious themes from sports to biology; from etymology to politics, history, philosophy, and current affairs…. the list is endless.
We often participate in the quizzes in and around Delhi and our objective is to prove to people that quizzing is quite often looked at through gender biased lenses. So come join us if you are plagued by sustained curiosity and if you find it difficult to put down your thinking cap!
Staff Advisor
Convener: Surabhi Gupta
Co-Convener: Suruchi Shirish P.
Society E-Mail : lsr.quiz@gmail.com
Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/quizsocietylsrcollege/