Project Utthaan, an undertaking of Enactus Lady Shri Ram College for Women, conducted an environmental campaign named ‘Tree Tag‘ around the college campus to raise awareness about the important role of trees in our planet’s well-being. Under this campaign, students had tagged trees in College campus with their prices, thereby capturing the monetary value of trees based on the services rendered by them during their average life span of 50 years. Team Utthaan aims to educate violators through its campaign on how cutting even a single tree can be a costly affair. The amount of damage we inflict upon trees by practicing deforestation not only affects our environment but in many ways our health too. The continuous procurement of land by unhealthy practices results in wildlife and humanity paying a great price.

Enactus, Lady Shri Ram College, in collaboration with the East Delhi Muncipal Corporation (EDMC) has initiated the ‘Green Car Campaign’. This campaign is focused on reducing air pollution by growing plants on the roof of cars. This ‘Green car’ campaign has currently been experimented upon a car belonging to an EDMC official. The main idea behind this campaign is to negate the amount of pollution created by cars by making green spaces.
Lady Shri Ram College for Women celebrated ‘Environment Week‘ from February 21st to 28th, 2020. All departments of the College actively participated to raise awareness about important environment issues during this week. Students of different disciplines correlated environment with their own subject during Environment Week. Students created demonstrations on themes like Gandhian Philosophy & Environment, Folk art & Environment, Historical text & Environment, Sustainable Development, Save Forest etc. Waste material or recycled substances were used in making these demonstration in order to inculcate spirit of reduce, reuse & recycle among students.

LSR is constantly striving to minimize carbon footprint by nurturing and planning gardens. The college has had privilege of establishing an Herbal Garden within the campus this year. The main purpose of the herbal garden is to educate students about importance of medicinal plants. The herbal garden also facilitates conservation of rare and endangered herbal plants. At present, the herbal garden of LSR has more than 65 species of economically important medicinal plants.
These include Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Babchi (Psoralea corylifolia), Oregano (Origanum vulgare), Guggal (Commiphora wightii). Planted herbs have been well recognized in scientific literature for their anti-cancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, aromatherapy and other medicinal properties.
The Herbal Garden at LSR will serve as an important tool for teaching and research in the future.