Enigma is the Annual Academic Meet of the Department of Mathematics, Lady Shri Ram College for Women where students from various disciplines and universities come together to celebrate the enigmatic beauty of Mathematics. This one-day virtual event will include various competitive and non-competitive events aiming to enhance the knowledge and creativity of students, allowing them to explore Mathematics beyond the curriculum so that they can relate real-world experiences with the subject on various levels. The theme “Inspiring Change through Social Innovation” has been kept to initiate discussions on the rising number of societal challenges that the world is facing, especially in the fields of education, community development and health in the post-pandemic phase, and ignite the interest of budding mathematicians towards strengthening the civil society through the means of innovation.
Schedule of the
1. Keynote Address by Prof B. Sury Stat-Math Unit, I.S.I Bangalore
Title: Mathematics and Tiling.
Timing: 10:30 a.m -11:30 a.m
Date: 16th April,2021
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85938234986?pwd=MUhJMllNSmluWkVzd1ZId0swVXM2QT09
2. Virtual Charcha by Mr. Ramanan Ramanathan, Mission Director Atal Innovation Mission, Additional Secretary, NITI Aayog
Title: Inspiring Change through Social Innovation
Timing: 4:00 pm onwards
Date: 16th April, 2021
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88628246749?pwd=RG1pYmVBU3lXaWkrRnArQ3JoOHdsUT09