Chapters in Books :
- Kacker, Snehil, (2021) “Women as Change Agents of Sustainable Development in South Asia” in Globalisation and Sustainable Development, Society Publishing, Canada, ISBN 978-1-77469-008-6
- Kacker, Snehil,(2017)”Climate Change and Human Rights-Understanding the Impact in the Context of the debate between Developed vs Developing World” in Human rights, A Shield Against all Swords(Ed) Radhanand Tripathy. Book Age Publications, Delhi, pp.355-371. ISSN-978-81935957-0-1
- Mehra, Snehil (2008). Impact of Globalization on Women’s Rights in Globalization and Changing Political Culture in Globalization and Changing Political Culture(Eds) Dr.Manju Singh and Dr.Aradhana Singh.pp.225-231. ISBN 978-81-904601-2-5
Journal Articles :
- Kacker ,Snehil (2018),India and its Neighbours: From Big Brother to Colonial Cousins
- Kacker ,Snehil (2017) OBOR Through POK:A Threat to India’s Foreign Policy. World Focus(July Issue),pp.68-72, ISSN-2230-8458
- Kacker, Snehil (2017)Evaluation of Dr.Ambedkar’s Inter disciplinary Approach in research and its relevance in the 21st Century. World Focus(May Issue ), pp.90-94 ISSN-2230-8458
- Kacker, Snehil (2015). Contest between Environment and Development: Issues and Concerns. The Indian Journal of Political Science, pp. 801-803, ISSN 0019-5510
- Kacker, Snehil (2015). Climate Change and India: Impact and Strategy.Social Sciences International Research Journal, Vol.1,Issue1,pp 249-260 .ISSN 2395-0544, ISBN 978-93-84124-34-2
- Kacker, Snehil (2014). Environmental Negotiations: Politics and Complexities. Rajyashti, Journal of Social Sciences,Volume VII, No. 2 (July -December), pp 8-22, ISSN 0974-8687
- Rai, Sheila & Kacker, Snehil (2013). Corporate Sector NGO Partnership for Sustainable Development: Exploring Possibilities of Partnership in Addressing Climate Change Issues and Concerns. Journal of Social and Political Studies, pp 137-148 Vol. IV No2, ISSN 2229 3647
- Kacker, Snehil (2010). Prabhakaran: Rise and Demise of a Terrorist. Rajyashti, Journal of Social Sciences, pp 127-135 Volume III, No. 3(July -September), ISN 0974-8687
Resource Person :
- Invited as a Resource Person in the International Conference on Human Rights and Climate Change organized by Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer,(17-18 April, 2023)
- Conducted a session on ‘Understanding War’ organized by the Department of Psychology, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi (2 February,2023)
- As a resource Person ,delivered a lecture on “Peace is not a Choice but a Necessity: Challenges and Possibilities” in the National Webinar on Taming The Dragon: A Holistic Review of India China ties organized by Sophia Girls’ College, Ajmer ,July 1 & 2,2020
- Delivered an online lecture as a guest Speaker on “Understanding the importance of Peace in contemporary times” organized by Department of Political Science , St.Xavier’s College, Jaipur, 7th November,2020
Paper Presentations :
- Kacker,Snehil(2022) ‘Exploring the Philosophical Learnings from Ornithology: Lessons from the visit to Keoladeo National Park’; in the 5th National Conference on Social Sciences in India’s Knowledge Tradition, organized by Rashtriya Samaj Vigyan Parishad and Hansraj College, University of Delhi (15- 17October,2022)
- Kacker,Snehil,(2022).Hinduism and Sustainable Development. International Seminar on Revisiting the Ideas Of India from ‘Swaraj’ to ‘New India’, Department of Political Science,University of Delhi.(19-21 May,2022)
- Kacker, Snehil (2017). Model of Sustainable Development in South Asia: Research, Recourse and Revival. International Conference, Globalisation and Sustainable Development: Quest for a New Paradigm? International Political Science Association and Indian Society of Gandhian Studies,Jaipur(14-16 April,2017)
- Kacker, Snehil (2017). Impact of Climate Change on Universal Human Rights: Assessment of the Differential Treatment by the Developed and the Developing World. National Seminar, Motilal Nehru College (Evening)(29-30 march,2017)
- Kacker, Snehil (2017). Evaluation of Dr. Ambedkar’s Inter-Disciplinary Approach in Research and its Relevance in the 21st Century. International Seminar on the Relevance of Dr. Ambedkar’s Thought in Contemporary India, Department of Political Science and Department of Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi.(14-15 February,2017)
- Kacker, Snehil (2015). The contest between Environment and Development: Issues and Concerns. Indian Political Science Association Conference on Reinventing Politics in India, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.(25-27 October,2015)
- Kacker, Snehil (2012). Exploring the Possibilities of the Partnership between Corporate Sector and NGO in addressing Climate Change: Issues and Concerns. International Conference on Climate Change organized by the ITM University, Gwalior.(5-7 February,2012)
Workshop :
- Attended a national workshop on Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya, organized by the Centre for Global Studies, University of Delhi & Research and Development Foundation for Integral Humanism, New Delhi (25-26 September,2022)