Dr Shriddha Shah

Publications :

  • Shah, Shriddha. “Body, Habit, Custom and Labour.” In Social Change 47, 2 (2017): 189-199, Sage Publications.
    Scopus indexed
  • Shah, Shriddha. “Book Review: Secularism, Identity, and Enchantment by Akeel Bilgrami”. In Seminar 719 (2019): 102-104, New Delhi.
  • Shah, Shriddha. “On Methodology: A Philosophical Analysis of Methodological Worldviews”. In Journal of Contemporary Thought, 47 (Summer, 2024): 39-52, Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda.

Knowledge Dissemination :

  • Recorded two video lectures on Bioethics, for ‘Ethics Theories and Applications’, SOITS, IGNOU (Indira Gandhi Open National University), SWAYAM MOOC (30th September 2021).
  • Shah, Shriddha. “Contemporary Debates”. In Philosophy of Religion BPYG-172 (2022): SOITS, IGNOU, New Delhi.
  • Shah, Shriddha. “Secularism”. In Social and Political Philosophy: Indian and Western BPYE-142 (2023): SOITS, IGNOU, New Delhi.
  • Shah, Shriddha. “Swaraj”. In Social and Political Philosophy: Indian and Western BPYE-142 (2023): SOITS, IGNOU, New Delhi.

Presentations/ Conferences :

  • Paper Presented, “Modern Technology: A Critical Appraisal”, in the National Conference on “Exploring Interdisciplinary Frontiers: Challenges and Opportunities”, organised by School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies (SOITS), Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi , Sponsored by ICSSR and IGNCA (25th-26th April, 2024).
  • Panelist, Professor’s Conclave, Panathenaea, on “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”, organised by the Department of Philosophy, Hindu College, University of Delhi (8th April, 2024).
  • Presentation, ‘Social and Political Philosophy Syllabus’ in the workshop on ‘Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Quality Assurance in Philosophy’, organised by the Department of Philosophy, University of Delhi (23rd February, 2024).
  • Moderator, Panel Discussion on ‘India, Science and Democracy’, at the Unitedworld School of Liberal Arts & Mass Communication (USLM), Karnavati University, National Conclave on ‘The India Story’(23rd -24th November, 2023).
  • Discussant for Technical Session, ‘Gandhi and His Son Harilal’, in the International Seminar on “Gandhi and His Critics: A Contemporary Discourse”, Gandhi Study Circle, Aryabhatta College, University of Delhi, supported by the ICPR (2nd-4th October, 2023).
  • Speaker, “Epistemology and the Foundations of Pluralism”, in the Ninth Creative Theory Colloquium – Future of Thinking: Crises and Possibilities, in collaboration with International Herbert Marcuse Society, Raza Foundation and India International Centre (5th September, 2022).
  • Discussant, “Dialogue on Consciousness: Marking the Contours of a Problem”, Foundation for Creative Social Research, Knowledge and Practice Group, Delhi (26th April, 2022).