Ms. Nayana Das Gupta


  • Dasgupta, Nayana (2002). “Unravelling Women’s stories: Empowerment and Subversion through Wish-fulfilment”. In Social Science Probings, Vol.14, Nos. 1-4 March-December 2002, pages 27-50, Regd. No. R. N. 42813/84.
  • Dasgupta, Nayana, & Pande Sangeeta (2005). Unit 5, “Early Medieval Polities in North India 7th– 12th centuries A.D. in State in Early Medieval India Block-2, part of the MA History course Political Structures in India, MHI – 04 (study material for the M.A. History programme of the IGNOU), ISBN – 81-266-2046-3.
  • Dasgupta, Nayana (2006), Devotional Paths to the Divine, in Our Pasts- II, Textbook in History for Class VII (pp. 104 – 121). NCERT, Delhi. (ISBN:81-7450-724-8)
  • Dasgupta, Nayana (2007), India between AD 750-1200, in History – I Senior Secondary Course, National Institute of Open Schooling (pp. 120-131).
  • Dasgupta, Nayana (2004) Lesson 2, “The Medieval Age”, in Social Science -1, the Secondary level course on Social Science, National Institute of Open Schooling (pp. 17-30).
  • Dasgupta, Nayana & Mahapatra, Jayanti (2001) “Developing an independent learner through quality learning material”, in Open Basic Education: Quality Issues (Report for the International Conference on Quality Issues in the Delivery of Education for All, particularly with reference to Open Basic Education, organised by National Open School, New Delhi and Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada from 16th to 19th January, 2001
  • Reviewed A. Kanwar and Margaret Taplin (eds.), Brave New Women of Asia: How Distance Education Changed their Lives, in the Open Schooling Association of Commonwealth journal published by National Institute of Open Schooling.
  • Course coordinator/editor for the Secondary level course on Social Science, of the National Institute of Open Schooling, 2003-2004
  • Course coordinator/editor for the Secondary level course on Indian Culture and Heritage, of the National Institute of Open Schooling, 2005-2006

Pre-publication reviews:

  • Reviewed the book History of Modern Europe Part- II, for Orient Blackswan, based on the CBCS syllabus for 3rd year BA Honours History of University of Delhi, Dec. 2019
  • Reviewed in 2003, the textbook, Time, Space and People 7, based on the 7th standard curriculum for History, Civics and Geography of the NCERT for the Oxford University Press, India

Seminars and workshops:

  • Presented a paper, “Overlapping Piety, Shared Literary Traditions and Contesting Cults: A Study of the Sitalamangala in relation to other Mangalakavyas and Pir Kathas”, in the Symposium, “Sitalamangalas and their place in pre-modern Bengali Literature”, sponsored by the Dhar India Studies Programme, Indiana University- Bloomington, USA on November 5, 2021.
  • Presented a paper at the History Department, Delhi University Research Scholars Conference 2021, on December 7, 2021, titled, “Forging of a Genre: The Mangalakavyas in Bengali Literary Culture”
  • Presented a Paper, “Teaching in the New Frameworks: Notes from the Frontline” in the National workshop on History in the Classroom: Challenges, Innovations and Pedagogical Issues in Undergraduate History Education, organised by Dept of History, Bharati College, University of Delhi, 6 April, 2018.
  • Participated in 2-day workshop on “ Teaching Gender: Problems and Prospects in Different Disciplines’ ‘ organised by LSR, Women’s Studies Department Center and ILLL, University of Delhi, 5-6 September 2011.
  • Member of the organising committee of workshop on Environmental Issues in India, organised by Institute of Life Long Learning (ILLL),Delhi University; Department of History, Delhi University; and Indraprastha College, University of Delhi, 16-17 March 2012.
  • Moderated panel discussion-” Voices from the margins”. in the Academic Congress on Gender- Understanding Gender- Questions of Justice and Freedom, organised by Lady Shri Ram College, 5-7 March 2014
  • Coordinated the session ‘Her Voice: Women representation and Politics’; Presented paper in Panel Discussion on ‘Feminist Understanding of Leadership’ in Gender Knowledge: Understanding Gender – Questions of Freedom and Justice, organised by the Aung San Suu Kyi Centre for Peace; Ford Foundation; WISCOMP (Women in Security, Conflict Management and Peace); and American Embassy, April 1-2, 2015
  • Delivered talk on “History teaching in the Classroom: Problems and Concerns” in the Refresher course for PGT teachers of Kendriya Vidyalaya organised by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, April 2001.


  • Member of Committee of Courses from Oct 2017-Oct 2019.
  • Member of following Committees for course revision under the LOCF (Learning Outcome based Curriculum Framework), 2019.

    – History of Modern Europe – Parts I and II, (Honours core papers)
    – Perspectives on Environmental History, Honours (Generic Elective paper)
    – Cultural Transformations in Early Modern Europe- Parts I and II (for BA Programme)
    – Popular Culture (for BA Programme)
  • Member of Committee for Course revision of the paper ‘Issues in Contemporary World History’, Generic Elective paper for Honours – December, 2015.
  • Member of the Committee for revising the paper, History of Modern Europe, Parts I and II, (Honours Core paper) – November 2015.