Professor (Dr.) Smita Sahgal


  • Sahgal, S. (2017). Niyoga: Alternative mechanism of lineage perpetuation. A socio-historical enquiry. Delhi: Primus Books. (ISBN:9789384082857).
  • Shrimali K.M., Gupta, V., Singh, M., Sahgal, S., Choudhary, P., & Shah, S. (2013). Teaching History. New Delhi: Aakar Publication. (ISBN: 9789350022436)

Chapters in Books:

  • Sahgal, Smita (2023). ‘Hunting and Dicing: Where Leisure Intersected with Masculine Aspirations in Early India’ in Seema Bawa ed. Delights and Disquiets of Leisure in Premodern India. New Delhi: Bloomsbury. pp.75-106.
  • Sahgal, Smita, (2022), ‘Locating Non-normative Gender Constructions within Early Textual Traditions of India’, in Vasundhara Mahajan et al ed., Gender Equity: Challenges and Opportunities, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference of Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020, pp. 441-450. ISBN978-981-19-0459-2, ISBN978-981-19-0460-8 e-book,
  • Sahgal, Smita and Pankaja Kaushik Ghai (2020), ‘Norms and Departure: Locating Women’s Economic Agency within the Dharmashastras’, in Venus Jain ed. Women: Struggle, Survival and Success, New Delhi: Bloomsbury India, pp.1-13. ISBN: 978-9390252879
  • Sahgal, Smita, (2020), ‘Puranic Marginalization: Examining Silenced Voices of Women in Early Indian Literature’, in Sadanand Nayak and Sankarshan Malik ed., Reconstruction of Indian History: Society and Religion, Ghaziabad: NB Publications, pp-78-87. ISBN 9789389234282
  • Sahgal. S., (2019), ‘Goddess Worship and Mutating Gender Relations Within Hindu Pantheon: From Vedic to Puranic’, Veenus Jain ed. Women: A Journey through Ages, ISBN 9789388879033 New Delhi Publishers
  • Smita S. (2017). ‘Ecological Dimensions of Ahimsa: A Historical Peep into Buddhist and Jaina Ethics’. In P. Srivastava, P. Rai & S. Shukla. Spiritual Ecology and Sustainability, Practice and Confluence, New Delhi, Author Press, pp. 67-85, ISBN 978-93-5207-386-3
  • Sahgal, S. (2014). Alternatives Marginalised: Fluctuations in Brahmanical Paradigms on the Niyoga. In D. N. Jha (Ed.). The Complex Heritage of Early India, Essays in Memory of R.S. Sharma (pp. 475-512). New Delhi: Manohar Publishers and Distributors. (ISBN: 978-93-5098-058-3)
  • Sahgal, S. (2013). Negotiating Spaces in Patriarchal Frames: A Comparative Reflection on Draupadi and Madhavi’s Representation in The Mahabharata. In N. Chaturvedi (Ed.). Equipollent Issues and Women in Post Independent India (pp.151- 163). New Delhi: Pratyush Publications. (ISBN: 9879382171225)
  • Sahgal, S. (1994). Spread of Jainism in North India between Circa 200 BC and AD 300. In N.N. Bhattacharya (Ed.). Jainism and Prakrit in Ancient and Medieval India: Essays for Jagdish Chandra Jain (pp. 205-232). New Delhi: Manohar Publishers and Distributers. (ISBN: 8173040982)

Papers in Journals:

  • Sahgal Smita and Vinita Malik,( 2023) ‘ Making Dents in the Paradigm of a Perfect Wife: Parvati’s Negotiation with Patriarchy in Indian Mythology’, Advances in Social Science Research Journal, Vol10. No. 4, April 2023, pp.221-232. DOI:10.14738/assrj.104.14419
  • Sahgal, Smita. (2021). The Mahabharata conundrum: Querying Draupadi’s Rights and Responsibilities. NIU Journal of Human Rights, (UGC-Care Listed Journal), pp. 18-31, Vol.8, November. 2021, ISSN 2394-9298
  • Sahgal, Smita, (2021). Apaddharmaparva: Articulating the Dilemma on Ethics and Politics within the Epic, the Mahabharata. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal – Vol. 8, No. 6, pp.224-239. DOI:10.14738/assrj.86.10376
  • Sahgal, Smita, (2020), ‘From Violation of Perceived Animal Rights to Prevention and Protection of the Same: A Study of Ritual Shifts within Bull Cults of Early India’, NIU Journal of Human Rights, (UGC-Care Listed Journal), pp.67-80, Vol.7, 2020, ISSN 2394-9298
  • Sahgal, Smita, (2020), ‘Evolving Dharma Consciousness of Dharmaputra Yudhishthira within the Mahabharata’, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal – Vol.7, No.12, pp.14-26 DOI:10.14738/assrj.712.9444-
  • Sahgal Smita, (2020), ‘Power of Animal symbolism: ‘Bull as a Metaphor of Masculine Might: Political Authority and Cosmic Evolution within Vedic Corpus’, International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field. ISSN: 2455-0620 Volume – 6, Issue – 12, Dec – 2020, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal with IC Value: 86.87
  • Sahgal, Smita, (2020), ‘Securing Human Rights through Good Governance: A Peep into Mauryan State History of Early India’, NIU Journal of Human Rights, (UGC-Care Listed Journal), pp. 67-80, Vol.7, 2020, ISSN 2394-9298
  • Sahgal, Smita, (2019) ‘Gathasaptashati: Retelling Intimate History of Ancient Deccan’, Advances in Social Science Research, Vol.6, no. 2, pp.467-474, Doi: 10.14738/assrj.62.6226
  • Sahgal, Smita (2019), ‘Gendered Construction of War in Sanskrit Epic, The Mahabharata’ International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Vol.5, no,2, June 2019, ISSN 2382-6282
  • Sahgal Smita, (2018) ‘The Perfect Man: Perspectives on Masculinities within Heterodox Traditions of Early India., Sociology Study, July 2018, Vol,8, No.7, pp 336-334. Doi: 10.17265/2159-5526/2018.07.004
  • Sahgal, Smita (2018) ‘Levirate in Ancient Israel: Overlapping Frames with Early Indian Practice of Niyoga’, Advances in Social Science Research Journal, Vol. 5, no.7, 25th July pp.240-247 ISSN 20550286
  • Sahgal, Smita. (2018). Constructing Vedic Masculinities: Animal Symbolism, Mythic Constructions and Ritual Practices. Social Scientis., Vol.46, 9-10, September-October 2018. pp 23-41. ISSN 0970293
  • Sahgal, Smita. (2016). Niyoga [Levirate]: Conflict Resolution to Bruised Masculinity in Early India. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 6(4), 303-308. (ISSN: 2010-3646)
  • Sahgal, Smita. (2015), ‘Situating Kingship within an Embryonic Frame of Masculinity in Early India’ in Social Scientist, Vol. 43, Numbers 11-12, November-December 2015, pp 3-26. ISSN 0970293
  • Sahgal, Smita. (2012). Gendered Inquiry into Niyoga: Appraising Institution from the Perspective of Female Actors, in Proceedings of Indian History Congress, 72nd Session, Patiala (pp. 179-192). Delhi: Indian History Congress. (ISSN: 2249-1937)
  • Sahgal, S. (2012), ‘Exploring the Beneficiaries: A Gendered Peep into the Institution of Niyoga in Early India’, Indian Historical Review, 39(2), 163-198. (ISSN: 0376-9836)-
  • Sahgal, S. (2010), ‘Mutations within the Tradition of Niyoga: An Assessment from Woman’s Vantage’, Journal of Ancient Indian History, xxvii, 116-132. (ISSN: 0075- 4110)
  • Sahgal, S. (2010), ‘Masculinity in Early India: Constructing an Embryonic Frame’. in Proceedings of Indian History Congress, 70th session, Delhi (pp. 151- 163). Delhi: Indian History Congress. (ISSN: 2249-1937)
  • Sahgal, S. (2009), ‘Reading Godharma; The Myth and Its Possible Contexts’, Social Science Probings, 21(1), 47-58. (Regd. No R. N. 42813/84)
  • Sahgal, S. (2007). Women’s ‘Consent’ and Women’s ‘Agency’: A Study of Madhavi in Mahabharata. Social Science Probings, 19(1), 1-10. (Regd. No. 42813/84)
  • Sahgal, S. (2006), ‘Polyandry within Patriarchy: Reiteration of male Hegemony in the Social- Sexual Contexts of Early India’, in Proceedings of Indian History Congress, 66th Session, Shanti Niketan, (pp. 199- 214). Delhi: Indian History Congress. (ISSN: 2249-1937)
  • Sahgal, S. (2006). Locating Female Sexuality: A Study of Polyandrous Representations, Social Science Probings, 18 (2), 33-51. (Regd.No R. N. 42813/84)
  • Sahgal, S. (2005). Looking at the Bull: Decoding its Myths. Social Science Probings, 17(2), 1-30. (Regd. No R.N. 42813/84),
  • Sahgal, S,(1998), ‘ Strinirvana: A Dent in Spiritual Hegemony: A Historical Perspective’, Trends in Social Science Research, 5(2), 40-45. (ISSN: 0971-6432)

Book Reviews in Journals:

  • Sahgal, Smita (2023). Review of Krishna Mohan Shrimali’s The Religious Enterprise: Studies in Early Indian Religions: Delhi: Aakar Books, 2022. Two Volumes in Studies in People’s History. 10. (1) (2023). 106-115.
  • Sahgal, Smita (2019), Review of Anamika Roy’s, Sixty-Four Yoginis: Cults. Icons and Goddesses. Delhi: India: Primus, 2015, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, Vol.26 Number 3, October 2019, ISSN 09715215.
  • Sahgal, Smita. (2019), Review of Hermann Kulke’s, History of Precolonial India: Issues and Debates, English edition revised and edited by Bharabi Prasad Sahu , Social Scientist, Vol. 47, Numbers 5-6, May-June 2019, pp 3-26. ISSN 0970293.
  • Sahgal, Smita. (2015). Book Review of Jaya Tyagi’s Contestation and Compliance: Retrieving Women Agency from Puranic Traditions’, in Indian Historical Review, 42(2), pp. 336-339, 2015, ISSN 03769836.
  • Sahgal, Smita. (2014). The Region in Historical Frame. [Review of the book The Changing Gaze, Regions and Constructions of Early India by B.P. Sahu]. Indian History, I, 181- 184. (ISSN: 2348-2850)
  • Sahgal, Smita. (2007). Representing the Sacred. [Review of the book Indian Architecture: Hindu Buddhist and Jain by S. Sahai]. Biblio, XII (1 & 2), 37-39. (ISSN:0971-8982) UGC Listed
  • Sahgal, Smita. (2007). Review of the book Bull in Indian Architecture: Up to Sixth Century by B. Jha. Social Science Probings, 16(1), 155-160. (Regd. No 42813/84)
  • Sahgal, Smita. (1998). Review of the book India in the Age of Kanishka: Age of Global Interaction and Expansion by M. Thakur. Trends of Social Science Research, 5(1), 152-156. (ISSN: 0971-6432)

Articles in Newspapers/ Magazines:

  • Sahgal, Smita. (2005). ‘From Wife to Goddess: The Cult of Draupadi’, Women’s Watch, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 10-18, October-December, 2005.
  • Sahgal, Smita and Bhavneet Kaur,(2012) ‘Convergence of the Distinct’, Éclat, Mathematical Journal,(2012). Department of Mathematics, Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi, Vol.III, 2012, pp.13-28

Papers Presented in National/International Conferences/Talks/Workshops:

  • Sahgal, Smita (2024). Two Stories on Niṣādas in the Mahābhārata: Assessing Shades of Marginalized Masculinities at International Seminar on Traversing the Land of Tales: Storytelling Traditions of Indian Cultures, Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi on 10th April 2024.
  • Sahgal, Smita and Pankaja Kaushik (2024). Women Voices Shaping Kshatriya Masculinity of the Mahābhārata. First Global Vidushi Conference, Global Sanskrit Forum, Mata Sundari College, University of Delhi. On 21st March 2024
  • Sahgal, Smita (2023). Questioning Hegemonic Masculinity: Yudhiṣṭhīra’s Dialogic Exchange with Bhīṣma in the Śāntiparva of the Mahāhbhārata. Indian History Congress, 82nd session, Warangal, 29th December 2023.
  • Sahgal, Smita. (2023). The Mahabharata: An Array of Gender Relation. Speaker in the National Seminar on Gender in Indian History: Constructions, Representation and Reality, Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi, 23rd November 2023.
  • Sahgal, Smita, (2023). The Perceived role of Ahimsa (Non-violence) in contemporary Santmat Tradition of India: A Survey-based study on the Radhasoami (Ra dha sva aa mi) sect of Dayalbagh’, at ICCH 2023 conference, Vienna 26 July 2023.
  • Sahgal, Smita and Vinita Malik, (2023). Ruptures in Divine Household: Parvati’s ‘Playful’ Subversion of Perfect Wifehood, in the 6th International Conference on Future of Women 2023 ‘Empowering Women, Powering the Future’, 23-24 February 2023.
  • Sahgal, S. (2022). Yudhishthira Within the Frame of Mahabharata Masculinity: A Deviant or a Game Changer? Panellist in Fourth Annual International Gender Conference 2022, on the theme Men Masculinity and Gender Equality, Symbiosis School of Liberal Arts Pune and De Paul University, Chicago, on 5th March 2022
  • Sahgal, S. (2021). Women and Workplace: Gender and Social Issues in Colonial India. Panellist in International Symposium on Aspiring Healthier Workplaces (SASHW-2021). SVNIT, Baroda on 22nd October 2021
  • Sahgal, S. (2021) ‘The Bhagavad Gita: Synthesizing Ethic with Pragmatism’. Plenary Speaker at the International Conference on Literature and Trans disciplinarity, hosted by Sharda University, Greater Noida, on 27th August 2021
  • Sahgal, S. (2021), ‘Ethical Consciousness or Real Politik: Dialectics of the Āpaddharma within the Mahabharata’, In 3rd (DSC) Dayalbagh Science of Consciousness. International Conference, Kiel, 21st May 2021
  • Sahgal, S, (2021), ‘From Sacrifice to Release: Ritual Shifts within Bull Cults of Early India’, in 4th International Conference of IASR (Israeli Association for Study of Religions) on Cults and Rituals, Haifa University, Israel, on 28th February, 2021
  • Sahgal, S, (2020), ‘Non-Normative Gender Constructions in Textual Traditions of Early India’, in an international Conference at Sardar Vallabh National Institute of Technology, Surat, titled Gender Equity: Challenges and Perceptions, November 25-27th, 2020
  • Sahgal, S. (2020), ‘Puranic Marginalization: Examining Silenced Voices of Women in Early Indian Literature’, in an international Conference on Reconstruction of Indian History: Society and Religion, University of Berhampur, Odisha, Feb 14th and 15th 2020.
  • Sahgal, Smita, (2020), ‘Dharma Consciousness of Dharmaputra Yudhishthira within the Mahabharata’, in Digital Conference of Dayalbagh Science of Consciousness, in collaboration with University of Waterloo, Canada, on 23rd May 2020.
  • Sahgal, S, (2020), ‘Bull as Power: Exploring Mythical Representations of Masculinity, Authority and Cosmic Reality, in Digital Annual Conference in the Panel, ‘Interlinkages of Linkages of Religion, Power and Gender: Exploring Textual Traditions in Early India, Bologna, 8th August 2020
  • Sahgal, Smita, (2020), Panellist in a panel discussion on Gender Equity: Challenges and Opportunities, in international Conference at SVNIT, Surat, 25th-27th November 2020
  • Sahgal, Smita, (2020), Resource person and presented a paper titled, ‘Teaching History: Empowering Young Minds’, in 2nd International Faculty Development Programme, Kaash Foundation in collaboration with the University of Ottawa, Canada, on the theme Pedagogy of Teaching History, 3rd August 2020
  • Sahgal. S., (2019), ‘Goddess Worship and Mutating Gender Relations Within Hindu Pantheon: From Vedic to Puranic’, World History Congress, Amity University, Noida, 23-24th January 2019.
  • Sahgal, S. (2018). ‘Scriptural Location of Ahimsa (non-violence) within Indian Religious Traditions’, at a conference on Sacred Scriptures-Their Nature and Place in Religion organised by Israel Association for the Study of Religions (IASR),at Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 11-12 March 2018.
  • Sahgal, S., (2018), ‘Bovine Divine: Locating Bull Cults within Religious Frames of Early India’, 7th International Academic Conference on Social Sciences. 29-30 December, Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Sahgal, S. (2017). ‘Foundations of Vedic Masculinities: Animal Symbolism, Myths and Ritual Practices’ at Sharda University, Greater Noida, on 17 TH February 2017
  • Sahgal, S. (2017). ‘Reading Niyoga from Gender Vantage: Issue of Surrogacy within the Mahabharata.’ International Conference on The Mahabharata and Inter-Asian Cultures: Transmissions, Adaptations, Performances and Histories, at INGCA, organized by Department of English, University of Delhi, on 7 TH April 2017.
  • Sahgal, S. (2016). ‘Norms and Departure: Locating Women’s Economic Agency within the Dharmashastras’, in National Conference on Sanskrit Research Traditions in Modern Context, organised by Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, on 8 th October 2016
  • Sahgal, S. (2014). Locating Levirate in Ancient Israel: Postulating Parallels with Indian Niyoga, Indian History Congress, JNU, 28-30th December 2014.
  • Sahgal, S. (2014). Nalanda and Vikram Shila: Buddhist Repositaries of Higher Learning: A Historical Review, International Conference at Oxford Centre of Buddhist Studies and Indian Institute of Buddhist Studies, Pune, 22-24th November, 2014.
  • Sahgal, S. (2014). Ecological Dimensions of Ahimsa: A Historical Peep into Buddhist and Jain Ethics, National Conference on ‘Spiritual Ecology and Sustainability: Confluence and Relevance in the 21st Century’, Maharaja Agrasena College, University of Delhi, 14th October, 2014.
  • .Sahgal, S. (2014). Notions of the ‘Ultimate Man’ within the Spiritual Tradition of early Buddhism: A Historical Study XIV, Annual Conference of ISBS [Indian Society of Buddhist Studies], Allahabad, 10th October, 2014.
  • Sahgal, S. (2013). Violence and Valour: Essential Ingredients of Mahabharata Masculinity, second Annual International conference on ‘Violence in Indian History’, Archive Indian Institute, 1st November, 2013.
  • Sahgal, S. (2012). Situating Kingship within the Discourse of Masculinity in Early India, International Conference on ‘Kingship in India’, organised by Archive India Institute, 1st November, 2012.
  • Sahgal, S. (2011). Gendered Enquiry into Niyoga: Appraising the Institution from the Perspective of Female Actors, Indian History Congress, 72th session, Patiala, 12th December, 2011.
  • Sahgal, S. (2011). Endurance through assimilation: Permeation of Goddess into Jain atheistic traditions, International Festival of Sacred Arts, 4-6th March, 2011.
  • Sahgal, S. (2011). Niyoga and Inheritance Norms: Legal frameworks without the Subject- Voice or Choice, International seminar on ‘Feminism of Discontent; Global Contestations, Debates on Gender and the law’, organised by Australian National University and O.P. Jindal Global University February, 2011.
  • Sahgal, S. (2010). Masculinity in Early India: Constructing an Embryonic Frame, Indian History Congress, Seventieth Session, Delhi, May, 2010.
  • Sahgal, S. (2007). Reading Godharma: The Myth and its Context, International Seminar on ‘History of Religion’, organised by Academic Staff College, JNU, in collaboration with Nehru Memorial Library and Embassy of Romania, October 2007.
  • Sahgal, S. (2006). History a Science?: Challenges in Communicating Scientific History, Second Peoples Education Congress, Supplementary Session, JNU, December 2009.
  • Sahgal, S. (2006). Control of Female Sexuality in Mythical Polyandrous Unions of Ancient Indian Epics, Jesus and Mary College, DU, 23rd February, 2006.

Invited Talks:

  • Sahgal, Smita (2024). Chaired a session on Gender and Sexuality at the Delhi History Congress, IIC, on 6th February 2024.
  • Sahgal Smita, (2023). ‘Contesting the Binary: Gender Norms and Departure in Early India’, Dr. Vijayanath Memorial Lecture on 21st September 2023, Janaki Devi Memorial College, University of Delhi.
  • Sahgal Smita, (2023). ‘Women in Political Space in Early India’. Invited speaker in Faculty Development Programme organised by Ramanujan College on Social and Cultural Context in Indian History 9-23rd November, on 16th November 2023.
  • Sahgal Smita (2023). ‘Gendered Understanding of ‘Wellbeing’ in Early Indian Textual Traditions’, Panellist in a seminar titled Wellbeing: The Challenges of Gender, Caste and Disability’, Gargi College, University of Delhi on 2nd February 2023
  • Sahgal, Smita (2022), ‘Reading the Mahābhārata from the Vantage of Masculinity’. Karwaan Heritage talk, on 19th January 2022 (available on YouTube)
  • Sahgal, Smita. (2023). Fluid Gender Identities in In Textual Traditions of Early India, Guest Lecture Series on Recent Trends in English Literature; First Lecture. Sharda University.2nd May2023
  • Sahgal, Smita (2022), ‘Caste and Lineage within the Mahābhārata’, Panellist in a talk organised by English Department, LSR, on the theme ‘Exploring the Issues of Lineage and Caste in the Mahabharata’, on 12th February, 2022
  • Sahgal, Smita (2022), ‘Gendered Political Spaces in Indian History’, Amity Institute of Social Sciences, on 7th April 2022
  • Sahgal, Smita (2022), ‘Education and Print: Opening up Vistas for Gender Equity in Early Twentieth Century India, Webinar organised by History Department, Janaki Devi Memorial College, on 16th April 2022
  • Sahgal, Smita, (2021), ‘Articulation in Print: New Gender Identity in Early Twentieth Century India’, Organised by Samaya: The Gender Sensitizing Society, SGND Khalsa College, 28th May 2021
  • Sahgal, Smita (2021), ‘Reading History in Myths: A Historian’s Craft’, Panel discussant and presented the paper in a workshop organised by Dayal Singh College History Society on Historian’s Craft, 9th March 2021
  • Sahgal, Smita, (2021), ‘Enigma of Draupadi’, Radhakrishnan Book Club, College of Vocational Studies, 11th February 2021
  • Sahgal, Smita (2021), ‘Gradual Women Empowerment: Education and Print Media in Early Twentieth Century’. School of Business Studies, Sharda University, Greater Noida, on 10th February 2021
  • Sahgal, Smita (2020), ‘Dialectics on Dharma and Karma within the Bhagavad Gita’, Webinar organised by School of Liberal Arts, Noida International University, 19TH My, 2020.
  • Sahgal Smita, (2020). ‘Pressures of Procreation in History’, Webinar for Humanizing Lives, on 29th June 2020.
  • Sahgal Smita, (2020). ‘Re-Reading the Story of Madhavi From a Modern Lens’, Webinar organised by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sharda University, on 5th May 2020.
  • Sahgal Smita, (2020) ‘Surrogacy and the Politics of Reproduction in Early India: A Gender Analysis’, at Aryabhatt College, University of Delhi, on Feb 26, 2020
  • Sahgal, S., (2020), Yudhishthira, ’Yudhisthira: Challenging Kshatriya Masculinity within the Mahabharata’, Organized by Dhyana Society, Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi, 6th February, 2020
  • Sahgal, S.,(2019) , ‘How to Read a Text’, organized by Department of History in collaboration with Ijtihad Journal, Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi, 19th September 2019
  • Sahgal, S. (2019), ‘Towards Critical Thinking: Issues and Debates in the World of History’, at School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sharda University, Greater Noida, 29th January, 2019.
  • Sahgal, S. (2019), Panel discussant ‘Sacred Geography’. Presented a paper on ‘on Sacred Geography of Kamakhya cult’, at IGNCA on the occasion of festival Divya Drishti on 8th March, 2019.
  • Sahgal, S. (2019), Keynote address at Rajdhani College,’ Masculinity within Heterodox sects in Early India’, 19thFebruary, 2019
  • S. Sahgal, (2018), Key note address titled ‘Devi Worship and Sacrificial Cults in India’, in a colloquium on Sacrifice and Sacrificial Cults in Eastern Religions, organized by Haifa University, Israel, on 26th March, 2018.
  • S. Sahgal, (2018), ‘Sustaining and Critiquing Violence: Women Voices within the Mahabharata’, in a panel discussion around the theme of Reclaiming Women’s Voices: A Historical Approach, at Dualat Ram College, University of Delhi on15th March, 2018.
  • S. Sahgal, (2018) ‘Foundations of Historical Research: Sources: Relevance and Technique of Use’, in the Research Methodology workshop organized by the History Department, Lady Shri Ram College, on 18th January 2018.
  • S. Sahgal (2017), ‘Gender in the Matrix of Power, Love and Hate: Reading Trajectories of Draupadi and Madhavi within the Mahabharata’, at Janaki Devi Mahavidyalay, University of Delhi, on 27th October, 2017.
  • Participated in Panel discussion organized by Department of Sociology, Lady Shri Ram College, on ‘Higher Education in India’, spoke on the issue of Fate of Social Sciences in Higher Education, on 26th October 2017.
  • Gave a talk in Hindi on ‘Badalte Samaj ka sandharbh aur niyoga pratha’ at the interdisciplinary interaction organised by the Hindi Department, Lady Shri Ram College, on 24th August, 2017
  • Conducted a session in Faculty Development Programme, Sharda University, Greater Noida on 27th July 2017. Engaged faculty on the theme around ‘Historical Reading of Myths: Niyoga within the Mahabharata and Puranas’,
  • Sahgal, S. (2016). Delivered a talk on “Reflections on Gender Relations within the Mahabharata’, at Sharda University, Greater Noida, on 17th March, 2016
  • Sahgal, S. (2016). Chaired a session and delivered a talk on ‘Output of Quality Assurance in Higher Education; the Evolution of a Complete Individual’, at the Fourth National Student Academic Congress, Maharaja Agrasen College, 12 March, 2016
  • Sahgal, S. (2016). Interacted with members of Study Circle, Noida on the topic, ‘’Draupadi and Madhavi: Reading Trajectories of some Women Characters of the Mahabharata”, on 19th February, 2016
  • Sahgal, S. (2015). Delivered talk on “Contesting notions of Virility and Violence: Alternative images of masculinity within the Mahabharat” at the Aung San SuuKyi Centre for Peace at Lady Shri Ram College on 11th August 2015
  • Sahgal, S. (2015). Resource Person at Research Methodolgy workshop at Manipur University, Imphal, 19th March, 2015.
  • Sahgal, S. (2014). Resource Person at the History Refresher Course, spoke on ‘Research Methodology and drafting of Research Proposal’, Jamia Milia Islamia, 19th February, 2014.
  • Sahgal, S. (2013). Masculinities in Early India Possibilities of a Discourse, Faculty Research Forum, LSR, August, 2013.
  • Sahgal, S. (2013). ‘Áhimsa: A gateway to Consciousness’, a Poster-presentation, International Conference on ‘Towards Science of Consciousness’ organised by University of Arizona and Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, March, 2013.
  • Sahgal, S. (2012). ‘Exploring the Beneficiaries: A Gendered Peep into the Institution of Niyoga in Early India’, ICHR, 17th May, 2012.
  • Sahgal, S. (2010). Discussed the book ‘The Difficulty of Being Good’, written by Gurcharan Das, at Bluebells School as a part of Book Review week, July, 2010.
  • Sahgal, S. (2008). The Relevance of Social Science in Contemporary Society, seminar organized by a Students awareness group at St. Peter’s college, Agra, December, 2008.
  • Sahgal, S. (2006). Consent and Agency: Women in Mahabharata, workshop on ‘Women and Agency’, organised by Women’s Studies and Development Cell, University of Delhi, August, 2006.

Projects and Recognition:

  • 2023-2024 Bharat Ram Research Grant, Lady Shriram College, for the project: Recalibrating paradigm of Kshatriya Masculinity in the Śāntiparva of the Mahābhārata: A Reading Against the Grain
  • ICCR Chair for Indian Studies at the University of Haifa, Israel, March-April, 2018
  • 2014-16 sponsored by Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi: ‘Masculinities in Early India: Exploring a possibility of a Discourse’, completed on 20th July 2016.
  • 2010-11 sponsored by Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi: ‘Niyoga: Commissioned Procreation and Sexual Regulation in Early India (A Socio-Historical Study in North India between 1500BCE-700 CE’, Completed on 15th December 2011


  • Best Presentation Award for Onsite Session: Literature, Gender Studies and Religious Politics, International Conference on Culture and History, 25th July,203. Vienna
  • Received Best Paper award at World History Congress, Amity University, January 2019
  • Felicitated by the Romanian Embassy for promotion of Indo-European cultural ties, 2007.
  • Received Best Paper award from Indian History Congress, 9 Ancient India section). 2006.
  • JRF awarded in 1988

Memberships and Administrative Responsibilities:

  • Member Committee of Courses, Department of History, University of Delhi-2014-16
  • Member Committee of Courses, Department of History, University of Delhi-2021-23
  • Designed Gender courses for the History Department under CBCS, DSC, GE, 2016 Scheme
  • Member, Board of Course Committee for History, 2019-21, Sharda University
  • Designed/ Revised three gender course DSE, GE under LOCF Program
  • Member European Academy of Religion, Bologna, Italy
  • Member, Indian History Congress
  • Member, Indian Buddhist Society
  • Member IEDRC

Papers in Journals (National/International):