Joshi, R. (2015). The Simla Paintings and Other Stories. Delhi: Heritage Publishers, 2015. (ISBN 978-81-7026-337-1)
Joshi, R. (1993). The Awakening, The: A Novella in Verse. Delhi: USB (ISBN 10: 8185674388 ISBN 13: 9788185674384)
Chapters in a book:
Joshi, R. (2004). Distorted Female Characters in the Early Fiction of Salman Rushdie. In M. Lal, S. Panja, & S. Satpathy (Eds.). Signifying the Self: Women and Literature (pp. 226-236). New Delhi: MacMillan. (ISBN 1403924058)
Papers in Journals (National/ International):
Joshi, R. (2013). Travels in History and Geography: Interview with William Dalrymple, World Literature Today, March, 47-50. (ISSN 0196-3570)
Joshi, R. (2008). The Writer as Traveller: The World of Vikram Seth, World Literature Today, 82(3), 47-50. (ISSN 0196-3570)
Papers Presented in National/ International Conferences:
Joshi, R. (2000). Distorted female figure in Salman Rushdie’s Fiction, International seminar ‘Women in Literature’, organised by University of Delhi, New Delhi, 2000.