Rajeev, K. (2014). Course material on Marginalisation in the Gendered Nation segment to the M.A. programme in Women’s & Gender Studies (pp. 285-308). New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). (ISBN: 978‐81‐266‐6785‐7)
Rajeev, K. (2013). Introduction. In Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov (1880) (pp. ix-xiv). New Delhi: Rupa Publications. (ISBN-13 9788129129482; ISBN- 10 8129129485)
Book Review in Journals:
Rajeev, K. (2015). [Review of the book The Mysterious Ailment of Rupi Baskey, by H.S Shekhar]. The Book Review, 39(1), 36. (ISSN: 2001-1086).
Papers Presented in National/International Conferences:
Rajeev, K. (2011). Transforming Subjects: Metamorphosis, Body and Self in Literature, National Seminar on ‘The Body in Culture: Culture of Body’ organised by the UGC-SAP DRS-II of the Centre for English Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 3-4th March, 2011.
Rajeev, K. (2011). Historicising the Contemporary: (Im)Possibility of an Irresolute Future, Sixth CPRACSIS International Conference on ‘Contextualizing the ‘Contemporary’ in Culture’ at IIT Madras, Chennai, 1-2nd February, 2011.
Rajeev, K. (2011). The Postcolonial ‘Yoke’: Self-Agency and the Nationalistic Agenda, Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (IACLALS) Annual Conference on ‘Comparative Cultural Studies: Towards New Postcolonial Paradigms’ (in collaboration with Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Kerala) at Thiruvanathapuram, 27-29th January, 2011.
Rajeev, K. (2010). Substitution and Dialogue: A Case for the Fantastic in Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, International seminar on ‘Theory at Work; Text, History and Culture’ (in collaboration with Sahitya Akademiand ICSSR, New Delhi) organised by the Department of English, Banaras Hindu University, 9-11th November, 2010.
Rajeev, K. (2010). Alienation, Repression and the Audience’s Fear of the Spectacle, International Conference on ‘Fables of Fear’organised by Centre for Performance Research and Cultural Studies in South Asia (CPRACSIS) at Thrissur, Kerala, 7-8thAugust, 2010.
Rajeev, K. (2009). Three Hundred Sixty Degrees of Blackness: Gender and the Black Arts Movement, American Library, New Delhi on the theme ‘Kinship with King: Dreams for a Democracy’, 25th February, 2009.
Rajeev, K. (2014). Discussant in the Panel on Feminist Understanding of Leadership at the Women in the Strategic Roundtable and Institute on ‘Where Women Lead: Educating for Public Leadership’, organised by the Wilson Centre’s (Washington) Women in Public Service Project and LSR, New Delhi, 30th March- 2nd April, 2014.
Rajeev, K. (2014). Moderator for the Panel on ‘Ways of Seeing: Ways of Being: Gender and Representation’ during the Academic Congress on Gender organised by LSR, New Delhi, 5- 7th March, 2014.