Barua, K. (2010). Variation in Wage Earnings among Agricultural Labourers In Rural Bengal: A Field Work Based Analysis. Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 53 (4), 677-686. (ISSN: 00195308)
Barua,. K. (2021): Agricultural Labour and Rural Labour Relations in West Bengal. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, Vol.6 , Page no. 2105-2127. ( ISSN: 24558834)
Barua, K (2023): Regional Variation In Wages Among Agricultural Labourers. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (ISSN: 2349-5138)
Barua, K and Shilpy Nagalia (2023): A Comparative Analysis of Low and Declining Trends of Female Labour Force Participation in rural Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, ISSN: 24558834
Barua, K (2023) Labour Migration to Gulf Countries and Implications for India. Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. ISSN: 2321-9467
Papers Presented :
Barua , K (2009): Wage variation among agricultural labourers in rural Bengal. At the 61st (15-17th December) annual conference held by The Indian Society of Labour Economics in Punjabi University, Patiala
Awards/ Scholarships Received :
Selected for the Faculty Training Programme 2015 -16 at the University of Nottingham, UK, by University of Delhi
Received Sanjay Thakur Young Labour Economist Award for the best paper writer at the 61st annual conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics held in Punjabi University, Patiala, 11-13 December, 2009.
Selected for ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research) Doctoral Research scholarship in 2006.