LSR’s Innovation Council
“Innovation is the creation of something that improves the way we live our lives”
LSR was selected by the MHRD in October 2018 for the constitution of an Innovation Council to promote innovation among its students. This year, the faculty attended online sessions conducted by the Innovation Council of the MoE’s Innovation Cell, to guide and mentor students on IPR, innovation, entrepreneurship and start-ups under the “IIC-Innovation Ambassador Program 2021.” These sessions which took place from 30th June 2021 to 30th July 2021 were as follows:
- I and E Initiatives and Programs of MoE for HEIs
- National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP): Guiding Framework for HEIs
- National Education Policy (NEP): Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for HEIs
- Integration of Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Academic Institutions and Economic Growth of Country
- Attaining Problem-Solution Fit and Market-Product Fit: Prototype Designing Process and Tools for Development of Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
- Understanding Technology Readiness Level (TRL), Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) and Investment Readiness Level (IRL): Stages and Implications in Innovation Development
- Strengthening the connection between School and Higher Education Institutes: Role of Institutions & Teachers
- Innovation Management Process and Approaches at early Stages of Development of Innovation and Startup
- Business Plan Development: Components and Stages in Business Plan Development
- Validation of Business Opportunity: Application of Marketing Research Tools at the Early Stage of Startup – Case Study
- Attaining Business Fit: Startup Planning and Management
- Generation and Management of IP at the Early Stage of Innovation and Startup Development
- Legal Structures, Financial Risk Management, and Ethical Steps in Establishing Startups
- Planning and Managing Incubation Support System in HEI & Resource Mobilization Strategy
- Planning and Managing IPR Facility in HEIs: Technology Transfer Office (TTO) Model
- Roles and Responsibility of Faculty Innovation Ambassadors: Faculty as Mentor and Engagement in Post Training Activities
Faculty and students successfully attended the “National Webinar on Research, Innovation and Ranking” with Dr. Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, Minister of State for Education and External Affairs, and Prof. K. Vijay Raghavan, Principal Scientific Advisor, Govt. of India hosted by MIC on 11th August 2021. They also successfully attended the Innovation Week Celebration ‘Azaadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.’ There was a 2-day symposium ‘Building
Innovation Ecosystem in Educational Institutions” on 11th and 12th January 2022 by the Ministry of Education. The program was held virtually and saw huge participation from academic institutions, schools, industry, start-ups, and the investor community. Further IIC-LSR conducted an interactive online session on “Innovation: Trending Up But Needs Thrust” by Ms. Deepika Srivastava, Officer of the Indian Economic Service, Government of India and currently posted as Deputy Director in Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance on 15th February, 2022.
IIC in collaboration with IQAC LSR held a slogan writing and logo designing competition on 22nd of September, 2022. The theme was “Innovation : The Path towards Global Change”. The objective of the competition was to create awareness about sustainable innovation, the way sustainable development and progress can go hand-in-hand. Sustainable innovation can be understood as “the development of new products, processes, services and technologies that contribute to the development and well-being of the society”, that is, meet the responsibilities to the environment and society. The competition also provided a chance to students to display their creativity and to delve deeper into the topic of sustainable innovation.
Innovation in educational institutions encourages teachers and students to explore, research, and use all the tools to uncover something new.
The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India has established MHRD’s Innovation Cell (MIC) at AICTE with a purpose to systematically foster the culture of innovation in all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi University (LSR) was selected by MHRD’s Innovation Cell (MIC) for the constitution of Innovation Council in the college to promote innovation among its students by encouraging, inspiring, and nurturing them through periodic activities.Innovation Council at Lady Shri Ram College for Women was constituted in October 2018.
Institution Innovation Council, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, attended online Leadership talks organized by Ministry of Education (Formerly, Ministry of Human Resource and Development). Following Leadership talks were attended by Faculty and students of Lady Shri Ram College:
1) Leadership talk by Prof. K. Vijay Raghavan (Principal Scientific advisor, Government of India) with Dr Abhay Jere (Chief Innovation Officer, Ministry of Education, Government of India) on 8th April, 2020. The talk was focused on challenging issue of Covid pandemic and ways to deal with this pandemic.
2) Leadership talk by Prof. Anil D. Sahasrbudhe, Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) with Dr. Abhay Jere on 9th April, 2020. This informative talk highlighted the importance of online learning facilities and e-resource during lockdown. This talk also motivated students to cultivate entrepreneurial mindset during lockdown.
3) Leadership talk by Prof. Partha Chakraborty, Chairman of the National Digital Library and Ex-Director of IIT, Kharagpur with Dr Abhay Jere on 10th April 2020. This talk highlighted the significance of The National Digital Library during the COVID 19 crisis.
4) Leadership talk by Mr. Abhishek Singh (CEO, MyGov) with Dr Abhay Jere on 11th April 2020. The talk provided valuable information related to MyGov platform.
5) Leadership talk by Abhishek Suryawanshi, Director Wikipedia SWASTHA with Dr Abhay Jere on 7th April 2020. The talk provided information on SWASTHA, as a platform that gives tools, resources, financial, non-financial to the volunteer communities. It presents health information in Wikipedia on 10 topics in 10 languages of India.
6) Leadership talk by Mr. Anand Deshpande, Chairman, Persistent Systems with Dr Abhay Jere on 14th April 2020. Persistent Systems, is involved in building automation software that drive the businesses of the customers by providing them digital solutions.
7) Leadership talk by Ms. Shradha Sharma (Founder of with Dr Abhay Jere on 15th April 2020. This motivation talk highlighted the success journey of young woman entrepreneur.
8) Leadership talk by Mr. Gautam Bambawale (Ex-India‟s Ambassador to China and retired Indian diplomat) with Dr Abhay Jere on 23rd April 2020. The talk focused on emerging international relations amidst covid pandemic.
9) Leadership talk by Honourable Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha (Padma Shri), a renowned Indian Ayurveda Physician with Dr Abhay Jere on 22nd April 2020. The speaker of the talk emphasized the importance of Ayurveda system to develop immunity for fighting the virus.
10) Leadership talk by Vinay Prabhakar Sahasrabuddhe (Indian politician and Member of Parliament, representing the state of Maharashtra in the Rajya Sabha) with Dr Abhay Jere on 16th April 2020. This talk focused on changing international relations during covid pandemic.
11) Leadership talk by Mr. Ronnie Screwvala, Chairman, Upgrad, along with Dr. Abhay Jere on 17th April 2020. This talk motivated students to avail the opportunity of pandemic to upskill themselves.
12) Leadership talk by Yashraj Bharadwaj (Founder, Zenith Vipers) with Dr Abhay Jere on 20th April 2020. The talk of young entrepreneur motivated students to pursue entrepreneurship in future.
13) Leadership talk by Dr. Gururaj Deshpande, (Indian-American venture capitalist and Co-founder Chelmsford) with Dr Abhay Jere on 21st April 2020. This motivating talk by speaker highlighted the qualities of successful entrepreneur.
14) Leadership talk by Dr. V K Saraswat, Member NITI Aayog (Padma Bhushan Awardee) with Dr Abhay Jere on 13th April 2020. This informative talk focused on role of NITI Aayog during covid pandemic.
15) Leadership talk by Prof. KK Aggarwal, Chairman National Board of Accreditation-NBA with Dr. Abhay Jere on 18th April 2020. The talk highlighted the importance of accreditation for higher education institutes already approved by AICTE and UGC and its significance in the career of students and faculties of these institutes.
16) Leadership talk by Dr. B.V.R Mohan Reddy (Ex-chairman NASSCOM and chairman Cyient) with Dr. Abhay Jere on 27th April 2020. The talk focused on challenges and opportunities during Covid pandemic.
17) Leadership talk by Mr. Mahesh Babu (CEO, Mahindra Electric Mobility Ltd.) with Dr Abhay Jere on 23rd May 2020. The talk highlighted need to find solutions for covid through technology.
18) Leadership talk by Dr. Pramod Chaudhari (Founder and Chairman of Praj Industries Ltd) with Dr Abhay Jere on 16th May 2020. The talk revolved around new opportunities in the field of bioenergy.
19) Leadership talk by Prof. DP Singh (Chairman UGC) with Dr Abhay Jere on 9th May 2020. The speaker provided valuable information on the very relevant information on „The Recent UGC Guidelines‟ about the exams and the new academic calendar.
20) Leadership talk by Lt. Gen Madhuri Kanitkar with Mr. Abhay Jere on 2nd May 2020. Lt Gen Madhuri Kanitkar, who is a serving Medical officer in the army, threw light on how in the current pandemic, all doctors, army or civilian are in the frontline to tackle the disease.
21) Leadership talk by Mr. Nilesh N Oak with Dr Abhay Jere on 30th May 2020. Speaker gave valuable insight into relevance of history in the current time.
22) Leadership talk by Ms. Ashwini Deshpande (Co-Founder and Director, Elephant Design) with Dr Abhay Jere on 6th June 2020. Speaker motivated everyone to unravel the creativity in themselves. She also discussed her journey as a woman entrepreneur.
23) Leadership talk by Mr. R Subramanyam, Secretary, Department of Social Justice and Empowerment was conducted on 13th June, 2020. Mr Subrahmanyam shared the example of social innovation and its importance for our country by stating the story of Tamil Nadu state-tribal. Speaker also emphasized the importance of innovation and out of the box solutions for poor households to improve their lifestyle.
24) Leadership talk by Mr. Shridhar Venkat (CEO, Akshaya Patra Foundation) with Dr Abhay Jere on 20th June 2020. Speaker provided insight into the role and functioning of The Akshaya Patra Foundation (TAPF), an NGO in India.
The Faculty and students of LSR College had participated in the IIC Online Sessions conducted by Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) of Ministry of Education‟s Innovation Cell, New Delhi to promote Innovation, IPR, Entrepreneurship, and Start-ups among HEIs from 28th April to 22nd May 2020 during COVID-19 nationwide lockdown.
Session 1:
National Innovation and Startup Policy for Students and Faculty 2019 – A Guiding Framework for HEIs for Implementation
The session was conducted by Mr. Dipan Sahu (Asst. Innovation Director, Ministry of Education, Innovation Cell) on 28th April 2020.
Session 2:
Role and Importance of Pre-Incubators, Incubators and Accelerators in HEIs – Harnessing Innovation and Entrepreneurial Potential of Students and Faculties at Early Stage
This session was conducted by Dr. Muthu Singaram, CEO, IIT Madras HTIC incubator on 29th April 2020.
Session 3:
Hangout with Emerging Innovator & Entrepreneurs Supported through MIC & AICTE.
The session was conducted by Ms. Vandana Thakur (Entrepreneur, Canada India Acceleration Program 2020) and Mr. Amit Sanjay Lokhende (Innovator and Entrepreneur, India-South Korea Startup Exchange Program 2020) on 30th April 2020. The session was coordinated by Shri Dipan Sahu, Asst. Innovation Director, Ministry of Education, Innovation Cell, and National Coordinator of NISP, ARIIA, and IIC3.
Session 4:
Role of Network Enablers in driving I&E in HEIs – A Case of TiE, India 5 – Session 5: Hangout with Successful Startup Founder
This session was conducted by Ms. Geethika Dayal, Executive Director, TiE Delhi on 1st May 2020.
Session 5:
Hangout With Successful Startup Founder And Learn On Design Thinking Approach For Innovation
This session was conducted on 5th May 2020.
Session 6:
Entrepreneurship, Business Idea and Business Model Canvas
This session was conducted by three eminent speakers Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General , EDII, Ahmedabad, Dr. Amit Dwivedi, Associate Senior Faculty, EDII, Ahmedabad and Mr. Mayank Patel CEO, Cradle, Incubator, EDII, Ahmedabad on 5th May 2020.
Session 7:
How to Identify Right Problem and Solution using the Double Diamond Approach in Design. This session was conducted by Prajakta Kulkarni (Founder, Director, NodesPvt,Ltd) and Sanket Inamdar (Co-founder, CEO) on 6th May 2020.
Session 8:
Intellectual Property (IP) Management at Early Stage of Innovation and Start-ups. This session was conducted by Dr. Sanjeeva Kumar Majumdar, Manager, IPR, StartUp & Incubation, National Research Development Corporation on 7th May 2020.
Session 9:
Understanding Angel and Venture Capital Funding – What is there for Early Stage innovator & Entrepreneurs. This session was conducted by Mr. Sushanto Mehta, CEO of Lead Angels Pvt ltd and Ms.Kruti Rayani on 8th May 2020.
Session 10:
Innovation Risk Diagnostic: Product Innovation Rubric (Pir). This session was conducted by Dr. Lakshmi Meera, Program Director, Forge Incubator on 15th May, 2020.
Session 11:
Innovating Self- Screen and Identify right opportunities. This session was conducted by Prof. Sanjay Inamdar Entrepreneur and Founder of Flucon MIT, Harvard on 13th May, 2020.
Session 12:
Use of Market Data and Application of Marketing Research Tools and Methodology – Advance Level. This session was conducted by Dr. Preet Deep Singh on 20th May, 2020.
Session 13:
Session on Frugal Innovations and Social Entrepreneurship. This session was conducted by Dr Raman Gujral, Sr Faculty, EDII, Ahmedabad on 21st May, 2020.
DATE: 18th August, 2020Faculty and students attended the Award Ceremony of Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements on 18th August, 2020.
DATE: 15th October, 2020Institution Innovation Council, LSR College, under the guideline of Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell, conducted an online lecture to celebrate Innovation Day and Birth Anniversary of Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam’s Birthday on 15th October, 2020. This lecture was conducted by Dr Chirashree Ghosh, Associate Professor, Department of Environment Studies, University of Delhi. The lecture on “Rediscovering post pandemic urban lifestyle changes with innovative nature based solutions” was very informative and interesting
The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India established an Innovation Cell (MIC) at AICTE with a purpose to systematically foster a culture of Innovation in all Higher Education Institutions across the country. LSR was selected by the MHRD for the constitution of an Innovation council, which was formally inaugurated on 8 January 2019.
IIC 1.0: The India First Leadership Webinar organized by the MHRD’s Innovation Cell was with Mr. Anand Mahindra, Chairman, Mahindra Group. This event was followed by a series of others including offline workshops and online sessions on Intellectual Property Rights, Critical Thinking, Cognitive Skills and Design Thinking. Delhi University Innovation Council invited innovative Ideas from students of different colleges/ departments/centres of University of Delhi to solve the problems related to at least two/all of following themes: Agriculture & Rural development, Health Care, Energy, Environment, Others. Six teams from LSR got shortlisted for the further rounds of the competition. IIC-LSR completed 1.0 with an active participation in all scheduled activities organised by MIC. Enthusiastic participation followed in events like Leadership talk series, logo competition, video making for voting awareness , idea competition at cluster innovation cell of Delhi University through MHRD, POC competition with mentoring at NSIT.
IIC 2.0: IIC 2.0 has been characterised by innovation, wide ranging events and an enthusiastic response.
- A talk by Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal, Hon’ble Minister of HRD, on Innovation for Resurgent India was screened on 22nd August 2019. The session was aimed to disseminate knowledge and insights on developing an innovative ecosystem based on five factors – Education Policy, Innovation and start-ups, Career development and employability, Digitalization, Contribution of the institutions.
- To inculcate innovative and growth oriented mindset amongst the students, IIC-LSR organized Innovation Day on 15th October, 2019. A host of activities including an interactive session with Mrs. Rakesh Sharma, a book discussion competition, an innovation project competition, poster and essay competition were organized in remembrance of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.
- Innovation Council organized one day workshop on “Awareness of Air Quality and Public Health” on November 2, 2019. This workshop was conducted by Dr. Chirashree GhosH, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi.
- Internal leg of national level Smart India Hackathon-2020 was hosted by IIC, LSR on 24th January 2020 aimed towards inculcating a culture of product innovation and a mindset of problem solving. Solution ideas covered topics from renewable energy generation, geo-tracking of waste, rain-water harvesting, combating vacant teaching positions in government schools to cost-effective mechanisms to treat wastewater in villages.
- Six teams from LSR were nominated further for a national level competition.
- To guide the participating teams in Smart India Hackathon, two special Facebook Live Sessions conducted by the Director of MHRD’s Innovation Cell, Dr. Mohit Gambhir and Dr. Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer of MHRD Innovation Cell, were screened on 24th January 2020 and 14th February 2020 respectively.
- As a part of Impact Lecture Series, NelofarCurrimbhoy, the President of Shahnaz Herbals and an LSR alumna, conducted an interactive session on entrepreneurship. She talked about her mother, Shahnaz Husain’s journey, her experience and the importance of identifying one’s passion.
- A design and critical thinking workshop was organized by IIC, LSR on 11th February 2020 by Rahul Subramania, Co-founder and Director at Athena Education and Hora.AI, to provide critical thinking space for the recognition of innovation challenges and the design of creative solutions.
- Innovation Council, LSR encouraged students of all departments to innovate solutions towards environment problems during ‘Environment Week‘, which was held from February 21st to 28th, 2020.
- A mental health phone app titled ‘Mann’zar: Body Positivity, has been developed under LSR’s Innovation Cell. Although body image issues are pervasive in society and are linked to other mental health conditions such as anxiety and eating disorders, very few avenues are available for their management. This was the reason underlying the development of the mobile app focusing on body positivity. In order to make the app accessible to all, there are no costs involved in downloading or using it. The app is specially geared towards Indian youth of all genders. It can also be used with ease in both Hindi and English.
Mann’zar: A Body Positivity App developed under LSR’s Innovation Cell