Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi proudly hosted the Asian Undergraduate Summit (AUS) 2021 on 2nd June 2021 as Overseas Host University (OHU) in collaboration with National University of Singapore (NUS). In view of Covid-19 this year’s AUS was held online and LSR took the opportunity to organize the first online International Undergraduate Students Conference.
AUS is a student led program organized by NUS University Scholar’s Program. It aims to build a platform for undergraduate students across Asia from various disciplines to come together and engage in meaningful academic and inter-cultural exchange.
Each year different themes are contracted out of the umbrella theme and each Host university will have to select respective sub theme aiming to explore a specific aspect of the overall theme. For AUS 2021, the umbrella theme is “Managing the dilemma of growth”. LSR chose the sub theme “Education as India’s path to inclusive and equitable growth. Dilemmas and solutions”. In this summit, over 11 Asian countries with 22 partner universities and 120 delegates participated.
The conference was immensely successful covering diverse aspects of development & bringing about the future road map for an Inclusive Growth impacting all socio-economic development indicators. The Conference was rich in context & deeply engaging with audio-visual presentations. Participants across countries deliberated on the issues that concern all & engaged in finding solutions to manage the Dilemmas of Growth.