
College Motto

That alone is knowledge which liberates us …

College Logo

The college logo reads as LSR but if one scrutinises it carefully one can see figures of women representing the Nine Muses of learning in different postures. Not only does this highlight women in different positions, sitting to rising in glory, it also emphasizes the immense potential in women. This logo was designed by an alumna, Lakshmi Gopalakrishnan.

College Song

The college song was written by an alumna of the college, Smita Vats and set to music by another alumna, Janaki Ganesh under the guidance of Pandit Viswamohan Bhatt.

College Prayer

The College Prayer is from the Kenu Upanishad. It is a secular prayer which basically is exhorting the essence/spirit to protect and instruct. It speaks of love, harmony and peace. 

May Brahman protect us both, the preceptor and the disciple. May it nourish us both. May this energy inspire us towards knowledge. May we become illumined by our learning. May love and harmony dwell amongst us. May peace abide”