Dr. Sonali Mishra

International Publications

  • Mishra, S (2022): “European Diaspora in Pre-modern India: Perceptions of the Self and the Other in Cultural Encounters” in Asian Studies, The Twelfth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 12), June 2022, Volume 1, p. 458 – 472, Amsterdam University Press, ISBN: 9789048557820, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5117/9789048557820/ICAS.2022.054
  • Mishra, S (2020): “European Private Trade in Masulipatnam. Intercultural dynamics in a pre-modern cosmopolitan hub” in The Newsletter by International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2020, Spring Edition, No. 85, pp. 32-33

National Publications

  • Mishra, S (2015): “The Dutch East India Company in Seventeenth Century Northern Coromandel” in Journal of the Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (IRISH) (Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015). ISSN 0973-3353
  • Mishra, S. (2013). Satellite Towns and Production Centres of a Metropolitan Port Complex: The Masulipatnam Conglomerate in the Seventeenth Century. Journal of the Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 8(1&2), 43-73. (ISSN: 0973- 3353)
  • 2009: Co-edited Chapter 10 titled “The Regions (circa 1200-1550) The Historiographical Issue: Formation of Supra-Regional and Regional States”, the book, ” Interpreting Medieval India: Early Medieval, Delhi Sultanate, and Regions (circa 750-1550), Volume 1 of Interpreting Medieval India, by Dr. Vipul Singh, January 2009, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd. ISBN 10: 0230-63761-2, ISBN 13: 978-0230-63761-0.

International Conferences/Lectures/Seminars

  • 2021: Mishra, S., Research Paper presentation: European Diaspora in Pre-modern India: Perceptions of the Self and the Other in Cultural Encounters, at the 12th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), Kyoto Seika University (SEIKA), Kyoto, Japan.
  • 2019: Mishra, S., Research Paper presentation: “Masulipatnam: A Cosmopolitan Hub of the Seventeenth Century Bay of Bengal”, sub-round table “Bay of Bengal 1- Cosmopolitan Connections”, round table “Bay of Bengal”, at ICAS 11, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • 2018: Mishra, S., Research Paper presentation: “European Diaspora in the Northern Coromandel in the 17th and 18th Centuries”, panel titled “Crisis, circulations and change: populating the margins of the Indian Ocean” at the AAS-in-Asia organised by Yale and Ashoka Universities.
  • 2015: Mishra, S., Invited lecture: “European Traders and Indian Textiles in the Seventeenth Century: A Study of Eastern Peninsular India”, Middlebury College, Vermont, U.S.A.
  • 2007: Mishra, S., Presented a pictorial depiction of aspects of maritime India and the Europeans in the 17th century, to complement and illustrate the paper titled “History of the Seas”, by Dr. Yogesh Sharma, at an international seminar organised by Jawaharlal Nehru University, co-financed by the European Commission under the Asia-Link Programme at New Delhi in January 2007.
  • 2001: Mishra, S., Research Paper Presentation: The role of the VOC (The Dutch East India Company) in the Northern Coromandel at a seminar on the VOC at Chennai, organised by the Royal Netherlands Embassy.

National Seminars/Public Lectures

  • 2021: Mishra, S., Public Lecture titled “Premodern Cosmopolitanism in a Coastal City: Seventeenth Century Masulipatnam”, at Prime Ministers’ Memorial Museum and Library, Teen Murti House, New Delhi.
  • 2008: Mishra, S., Research Paper Presentation: “Satellite Towns and Production Centres of a Metropolitan Port Complex: Masulipatanam in the Seventeenth Century” at a seminar titled “Interrogating Transitions: Culture, Economy and Society”, held by The History Association, Centre for Historical Studies, JNU.


  • 2019: Foreign Travel Grant by the Indian Council for Historical Research, New Delhi
  • 2002: Junior Research Fellowship, Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi