Invited lectures or talks:
- Invited as Resource Person to conduct a session on “Policies Perspective and Initiatives in the Climate Change: National and International” as a part of one-week short term online certificate course on Climate Literacy on 21st August 2023.
- Invited as Environment Expert in Panel discussion on “Environmental impacts of Cryptocurrency”, by Project CLAP on 31st July 2021.
- Invited as Environment Expert to deliver talk on “Unlocking green creativity to minimize waste generated through Information Technology”, by Department of Computer Science, Lady Shri Ram College on 4 Feb 2021.
- Invited as Environment Expert to deliver lecture (via Zoom) on ‘Environmental lessons during the times of coronavirus pandemic’ organized by Samyak Drishti Foundation on June 14, 2020.
- Invited as Environment Expert to deliver an online lecture (via Zoom) on ‘Sustainable Diwali’ organized by NGO Vidya on November 11, 2020.
- Conducted Nature Walk in Lady Shri Ram College to celebrate World Wildlife Week on October 1, 2019.
- Invited as Speaker to deliver lecture on ‘Trees and Indian Culture’ in Inter-departmental lecture series organized by Hindi department, Lady Shri Ram College for Women on April 12, 2018.
- Sharma Neha, Sinha P., Bhatnagar A.K. (2014). Impact of Elevated [CO2] on Cell Structure and Function in Seed Plants. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, 2(2): 69-104. (ISSN No. 2320).
- Sharma Neha (2020), Biodiversity Conservation Strategies, Environmental Science (In Edited Book- Study material 1), School of Open Learning, University of Delhi, Vol1, page 119-128 (ISBN 978-81-935614-6-1).
Conference papers/presentations
- Neha Sharma, Sinha P.G, Singh S.D, Bhatnagar A.K., “Resource Allocation in Brassica juncea exposed to elevated CO2” at Sixth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., June 25-29, 2012.
- Neha Sharma, Sinha P.G, Chaudhary D.P., Singh S.D., Bhatnagar A.K. “Interactive effect of Free air CO2 enrichment and nitrogen fertilizer on grain quality of Zea mays” at ‘International Conference on Biotechnology: A rendezvous with basic sciences for global prosperity’, organized by Society of Plant Research, New Delhi, December 26-27, 2012.
- Neha Sharma, Sinha P.G., Singh S.D., Bhatnagar A.K. “Effect of Elevated [CO2] on Plant Growth and Biochemical Composition of Seeds of Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Coss.” at National Seminar on Climate Change, Environment and Sustainable Development, organized by National Environmental Science Academy and Department of Botany at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, 9-10 December, 2013.
- Neha Sharma, Sinha P.G, Bhatnagar A.K, “Impact of Elevated [CO2] on Growth and Seed Composition of Mustard and Wheat” at Fourth International Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, ITM, Gwalior, Feb 12-14, 2014.
- Neha Sharma “Harnessing Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Forests in India: Effectiveness of REDD” at International Conference on Climate Change Mitigation of Climate Change: Law, Policy and Governance” held at University of Delhi, New Delhi from April 25-27 April, 2014.
- Neha Sharma, Sinha P.G, Singh S.D, Bhatnagar A.K. “Effect of CO2 enrichment on Plant Growth and Glucosinolate Content in Seeds of Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Coss.” at ‘National Conference on Environmental Constraints, Conservation and Resource Development of Medicinal Plants for Health and Societal Benefits’, organized by School of Environment & Natural Resources, Doon University, Society for Conservation and Resource Development of Medicinal Plants (SMP), Society for Science of Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability (SSCE) at Doon University, Dehradun, 21-23 March 2014.
- Neha Sharma, Sinha P.G, Singh S.D, Bhatnagar A.K. “Effect of CO2 enrichment on Plant Growth, Biochemical Composition and Ultrastructure of Seeds in Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. & Coss.” at XXXVIII All India Conference of The Indian Botanical Society & National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Plant Sciences, held at University of Rajasthan, October 26-28, 2015.
- Neha Sharma, Sinha P.G, Bhatnagar A.K. “Response of C3 (Mustard) and C4 (Maize) crop plants to Enhanced Carbon dioxide concentrations” at XXXVIII All India Conference of The Indian Botanical Society & National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Plant Sciences, held at University of Rajasthan, October 26-28, 2015.
- Neha Sharma, Sinha P.G., Singh S.D and Bhatnagar A.K, “Effect of Elevated [CO2] on Growth, Phenology, Ultrastructure and Biochemical Composition of Leaves in Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Coss.” at Fifth International Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, ITM, Gwalior, Feb 9-11, 2015.